Prevention, Diagnosis
& Personalized Medicine

Enhancing Accuracy &
Timeliness in Health Management

Preventive medicine benefits immensely from Health Deep Screening Technology . By analyzing complex biological data through biosensors and mathematical models, these technologies enable the prediction of disease risks long before symptoms manifest.

This proactive approach allows for interventions that can significantly reduce the incidence of chronic diseases, enhancing the quality of life and reducing healthcare costs.

In diagnosis, the non-invasiveness, precision and speed of Health Deep Screening Technology are game-changers. Traditional diagnostic methods often require invasive procedures and lengthy waiting times for results.

In contrast, Health Deep Screening Technology new technologies facilitate rapid and accurate diagnoses through non-invasive means, such as analyzing biomarkers and metabolic profile. This not only expedites the treatment process but also greatly improves patient comfort and compliance.


The most profound impact of Health Deep Screening Technology technologies is in early cancer detection and treatment effectiveness.

Especially in the initial stages, any form of tumor, be it benign or malignant, leads to a metabolic increase due to the increase in cell proliferation of the organ affected by the degenerative process.

The Health Deep Screening Technology , permitting to evaluate the organ’s reactivity to inflammatory parameters (Interleukins), Oxidative (Free radicals), proliferative (C-MYC, C-RAS, etc.), and catabolic (nitrogenous waste, sugar and protein catabolites, etc.) provide additional, crucial metabolic information to the traditional clinical investigations.

The examination can be limited to one organ or system or extended to the whole body through a Total-body-Health Deep Screening Technology .

Both in the first instance and the control procedure, the method allows important monitoring of the primary tumor and the onset of any metastases in the absolute absence of invasiveness.


The Health Deep Screening Technology detect the homeostasis level of the main hormones of the entire neuroendocrine axis: at the systemic level (sympathetic and parasympathetic system) but, even more critical, directly at the level of the main hormonal centers (hypothalamus, pituitary, epiphysis, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal glands, pancreas, liver, gonads, etc.), allowing to interpret the metabolic feedback.

By carefully reading the parameters and their absolute and reciprocal values, it is possible to detect hormonal deficiencies and excesses and enzymes and trace elements.

Autoimmune Diseases

The Health Deep Screening Technology identifies the metabolic status, structural and cellular damages related to autoimmune diseases. For example, in rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn’s disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and many others.

The Health Deep Screening Technology , makes it possible to establish the cellular and tissue parameters out of balance. Based on the Health Deep Screening Technology , doctors can easily finetune the corrective actions, ranging from the choice of integrators to the personalized diets to the most suitable therapies minimizing the risk of side effects.

Brain Assessment

An essential application of the Health Deep Screening Technology is mapping the functioning of the different cerebral areas, evaluating, for example, excess or defects of neurotransmitters. In addition, DMA® can support the diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s, sclerosis, Parkinson’s.

Neurodegenerative Diseases

The Health Deep Screening Technology permits the investigation of the brain structures’ metabolic processes. The assessment considers both the systems: the limbic (e.g. hippocampus, amygdala, corpus callosum, epiphysis, hypothalamus), and the cortical (motor, frontal, prefrontal, temporal, parietal occipital, nuclei of the base).

Doctors can evaluate the presence and the progress of neurodegenerations such as beta-amyloid plaque, axonic demyelination, and the formation and progression of neurofibrillary tangles.

It is possible to observe the progression of damage from hypo-oxygenation or low blood flow, inflammation and infections of the brain and cerebellum, and electrical anomalies of the spinal column helpful in understanding diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis Sclerosis Lateral Amyotrophic, Parkinson’s disease, and many others.

Alterations Of The Digestive System

The Health Deep Screening Technology permits evaluating the state of health of the entire group of organs dedicated to the complex digestive process. It is possible to assess the metabolic responses to inflammatory interleukins, interferons, hormones, digestive acids and enzymes, and heavy metals and parasites. Based on such evidence, doctors provide personalized dietary and corrections and/or easily identify additional medical investigations (clinical analyzes, imaging).

The method also makes it possible to establish favorable or destabilizing interactions between the central nervous system and organs, helping to restore the best possible balance between mind and body through specific diets and optimizing the intervention of psychiatrists, neurologists, and psychologists on the psyche.

Classification Of Childhood Obesity

It is known that pediatric obesity and overweight can have different etiology: from wrong eating habits related to the culture, or the unavailability of certain foods, prejudices, or wrong beliefs, to metabolic diseases, to hormonal dysfunctions. 

The emotional experience also plays a key role in establishing harmful eating behaviors. Finally, systemic diseases that involve antibiotics or other drugs affecting digestion can alter the intestinal microbiota to the point of causing malabsorption, chronic diarrhea, or resistant constipation. All these states are meticulously investigable by the Health Deep Screening Technology.

The subdivision into clusters allows health professionals (nutritionists, psychologists, doctors, physiotherapists, etc.) to establish the best behavioral, nutritional, therapeutic correction and implement monitoring to prevent future obesity and/or related diseases. 

The Metabolism parameters obtained with Health Deep Screening Technology constitute crucial additional data on the degree of improvement or worsening of the subject’s metabolic state.

Alterations Of The Cardiorespiratory System

Through the Health Deep Screening Technology , Doctors obtain valuable information on the degree of functioning or impairment of all organs related to breathing. The investigation of lungs, heart, and related systemic and cerebral tissue oxygenation takes place by studying parameters such as Reactive Protein C, CPK (Creatine Phospho Kinase), Troponin, their mutual relationship, and their detection in various organs investigated.

The parameters mentioned above, and other crucial information related to tissue oxygenation and the fluidity of the entire respiratory process, are provided by the Health Deep Screening Technology .

Cardiovascular System

Health Deep Screening Technology permits the meticulous investigation of the metabolic parameters’ alteration at the base of central and peripheral vasoconstriction or vasodilation and the blood perfusion in organs and brain districts.

Strokes, hemorrhages, ischemias, and thrombi leave traces easily detectable by Health Deep Screening Technology , empowering the health professional (specialist physician, general practitioner, nutritional biologist) with crucial and objective, to identify the best-personalized and integrated treatments.

Viral Infection

Viruses are of many types and cause many kinds of ailments. Through the Health Deep Screening Technology , it is possible to establish whether viral infections are present and which viruses are involved. It is possible to establish the “reservoir” district or which is most affected. Check for any tissue degeneration and any lesion present. Increase the timeliness of available treatments.

Intolerances And Allergies

When you know you are intolerant or allergic to a specific substance or food, the most logical behavior is to avoid the source of the metabolic discomfort. However, the search for the cause is often complex or even due to genetics. Through the Health Deep Screening Technology , it is possible to try to trace the cause of allergy or intolerance.

Intolerance and allergies can also depend on parasites, fungi, heavy or toxic metals, and physical and psychological trauma. The Health Deep Screening Technology offers an investigation protocol suitable for each of the problems mentioned, helping the nutritionist establish the criteria for proper nutrition and detoxification or the doctor select a correct and personalized therapy.