Revolutionary Zero-Invasive Screening Technology for Early Diagnosis & Personalized Healthcare

Early Cancer Detection 
& Effectiveness of Treatments

Our Solution:

the Deep Metabolisms Assessment®

AI-based non-invasive screening technologies applicable in:

Prevention & Diagnosis : Enhancing Accuracy and Timeliness in Health Management 

(The most profound impact of DMA® technologies is in early cancer detection and treatment effectiveness.)

Sports Medicine: Optimizing Performance and Recovery

DMA® reduces the risks for patients, physicians, insurances.

DMA® secures risk reduction in athletes acquisition.

DMA® increases care sustainability.

DMA® enables personalized nutrition program.

DMA® enables faster and earlier diagnosis.

DMA® improve performances.

DMA® can be used by:

  • biologists to map the metabolism and define personalized diets and integration programs;
  • clinicians complete the clinical pictures, complementing usual investigation for earlier diagnoses, personalized treatment, or patient monitoring;
  • coaches, atlets better addresses the training program;
  • health-enthusiastic people for self-monitoring.

How DMA® Works?

The DMA® Technology can identify specific patterns of altered bioreactions in the human body known as dysmetabolism, which are closely associated with symptoms and diseases.

DMA® algorithms and knowledge burst forth from over 20.000 data sets acquired.

Those incredible results were achieved through the efforts of skilled professionals

who have been working tirelessly over the past two years.

Shape the future of DMA® with us.

Join our team and be a part of the revolutionizing process of health assessments and diagnosis!