Our Solution:
the Deep Metabolisms Assessment®
The DMA® Technology can identify specific patterns of altered bioreactions in the human body known as dysmetabolism, which are closely associated with symptoms and diseases.
We developed a wide set of protocols and software, permitting us to correlate subsets of such measures to the status of specific organs, the Central Nervous System (CNS) or glands.
Our methodology and technologies generate crucial data on a Person’s Metabolic Profile (PMP), connected with the health status of organs, glands, and the central nervous system.
We combine multiple sciences (biology, mathematics, physics, and engineering) to support clinicians and the pharma industry for more accurate diagnoses and the development of personalized care.
Our health-technology enables a deep screening of organs and cerebral districts, complementing and dramatically enriching usual clinical tests.
Quick facts about metabolism
Metabolism refers to the biochemical processes that occur within a living organism to maintain life. Its importance in health and clinical implications lies in its ability to provide information about an individual’s health status and disease risk.
Understanding the metabolism profile enables early diagnoses, personalized treatments and diets. Metabolism analysis is also an essential tool for sports medicine and nutrition, providing valuable information for optimizing performance, preventing injury, and speeding up recovery.
How does the Deep Metabolism Assessment Technology® (DMA) work?
It’s known that the human body and organs generate electromagnetic fields, and it is possible to measure impedances, voltages, or currents on the human body’s surface. Electrocardiograms (ECG) and electroencephalograms are well-known examples.
Based on the same principle, we transform weak-electrical measures emitted by the human body into crucial information related to the health status of organs and cerebral districts.
Different protocols have been designed to investigate the various aspects. Protocols involve acquiring a few to some hundred measures and utilizing specific markers.
Our Products: the DMA® Technologies
DMA® Screening
for Deep Metabolism Assessment for use in biology for metabolic screening.
DMA® Diagnostic
for risk assessment concerning specific pathologies.
DMA® Monitoring
for the evaluation of alerts on monitored patients.
DMA® Performance
to support sports activities and high performance professional.
Patents & Certification
In May 2023, we filed an initial patent application, which is currently pending approval. By early May 2024, we completed the international extensions through the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) procedure. The PCT process simplifies the filing of patents internationally, offering cost savings, more time for decision-making, and a comprehensive report on patentability. This approach ensures effective global patent protection.
Our certifications include:
CE Certification for Electromagnetic Compatibility completed.
EU Class 1 Medical Device: ongoing, expected to be completed by the third quarter of 2024, with the support of a specialized consulting firm.
EU Class 2 Medical Device: planned for the first quarter of 2025.
FDA Medical Device: planned for the fourth quarter of 2025.
We are developing the business, and we are now planning a multi-stage investment program. Join our team and be a part of the revolutionizing process of health assessments and diagnosis!
Shape the future of DMA® with us.