Math Biology® is an innovative, science-based startup established in Rome, operating within the health technology sector. 

We developed AI-based, non-invasive screening technologies for a Deep Metabolism Assessment (DMA® Technology).

Our Mission

At Math Biology® we are committed to supporting biologists, physicians, clinicians, athletic trainers and coaches in their practices, in order to anticipate the diagnostic events, optimizing pharmacological treatment efficiency and improving the knowledge of patient metabolic profiles.

The passion moves us to help people improve and maintain their health status & longevity.

Our Team

The founders have proven knowledge and managerial entrepreneurship experience. A significant track record in the pharmaceutical R&D and Artificial Intelligence sectors. The Team includes young researchers from different Academies and Research Partner.

Our Story

July 2024
Setting up offices in Rome and Salerno (linked to the University of Salerno). These will be the first Institutes of Human Biology, enabling us to launch our business operations and effectively define our service model.

June 2024
Math Biology participated as a startup sponsor in the conference organized by the Decision Science Alliance and the Polytechnic University of Valencia, titled “Empowering Human Decision Making in a Robotics & Data-Driven World.”

May 2024
Math Biology has been selected as one of 15 startups to join the Innovit acceleration program ( Innovit, established by the Italian Trade Agency
(ITA) and the Consulate General of Italy in San Francisco, is dedicated to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. This program connected us to Silicon Valley’s innovation landscape and venture capital resources.

April 2024
MathBiology has successfully passed the selection process for the Smart&Start call ( Smart&Start is a public call by Invitalia, the National Agency for Investment Attraction and Enterprise Development, supported by the Ministry of Economy.

March 2024
MathBiology won the “Battle Startup in Healthcare” competition, presented by Paideia Hospital International and Mater Dei.

October 2023
In the fall of 2023, we secured funding for the PREVEDO project, which began in early 2024. Sponsored by the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy (MIMIT), this 30-month project aims to enhance the prediction of the evolution of oncological and cardiovascular patients’ conditions under treatment using artificial intelligence and our DMA Technology.

April 2023
Patent submitted.

December 2022
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Certification obtained.

November 2022
DMA® presented at “Città della Scienza” – November 5th.

August 2022
Certification process of the DMA® Industrial Edition 1 started.

June 2022
Design of the industrial version of the DMA® bio-sensor completed.

May 2022
Successfully completed the test of the biosensors and the electronic devices 3.0.

April 2022
IT infrastructure design completed. The IT cloud-to-edge infrastructure permits the management of data streams from several DMA® biosensors safel.

February 2022
Successfully completed the test of the biosensors and the electronic devices 2.0.

January 2022
Start a new Phd research plan at the department of Mathematics of the University the Salerno University.

December 2021
Capital investment for 3200.000 € finalized.

November 2021
Deep Metabolism Assessment® (DMA) bio-sensor prototype 00.00 tested with positive results.

October 2021
Math Biology® present at SMAU as a partner of the Cluster TAV Tech for life.

October 2021
The first edition of our website goes online.

September 2021
R&D activities stage 1 completed to produce the first DMA® bio-sensor prototype.

May 2021
MISTER, CNR Consortium join the Math Biology® empowering Math Biology R&D and design capabilities.

Math Biology® was founded.